A message from Emmanuelle Rondeau

I hope that you are well and this finds you and your family healthy.

Please share with the Ladies of the Daughters of the Nile.

We have had limited activity at the hospital over the last few weeks, but felt that it was time for an update as we are currently in the planning process for the ramp up activities. We will continue to do so by email and conference call as the situation evolves.

We would like to take a moment to thank the Ladies who have been sowing (and their Noble helpers) for their outstanding support. Our first 125 reusable gowns will be distributed to the Operating Room tomorrow and are very much needed. We are planning photos so that everyone can witness their incredible work. The masks are also starting to come in and they are beautiful and fit almost every face. THANK YOU!

We miss you very much… a Shriners Hospital just does not feel right without Shriners and ladies, but right now, the priority is your safety. We are still very much limiting access as per official guidelines.

Feel free to send me any questions and comments as these will help me to tailor future communications.

We thank you for your support, thoughts and prayers!


Emmanuelle Rondeau

Directrice, développement des affaires et liaison avec les Shriners

Director, Business development & Shrine liaison

 Hôpitaux Shriners pour enfants®– Canada

Shriners Hospitals for Children® – Canada

1003, boulevard Décarie

Montréal, Québec H4A 0A9


Canada Shriners Hospital Communications regarding CoVID as at May 12 – HOSPITAL UPDATE – Affiliated Shriners and Ladies